Reentry Reframed
Reentry Reframed focuses on the journeys of individuals who are returning to the community after being incarcerated. Our goal is to reframe the way reentry is perceived while giving hope to those going through this process. We strive to inform society of the obstacles justice-involved individuals face while gathering like minds to systematically develop a solution. This podcast is sponsored by Mirror.
Reentry Reframed
All Gas, No Breaks: Dustin Moore, Artists Helping the Homeless
Dustin Moore grew up in an idyllic setting in San Diego, California, where he surfed and lived the “country club” lifestyle. He claims his childhood was one of privilege and care, and he gravitated towards any sport he could be involved with. Starting college, that is when his life started to turn course; regarding addiction, Dustin remarks this is something you just “have in you” or you do not. He quickly felt a new, strong gravitational pull towards substances he had always stayed away from. Dustin describes when he identified as an athlete, his life was structured. When he went to college and the structure and his connections went away, he filled those voids and time with drugs, alcohol, and other people focused on “partying.” From there, his life began to spiral out of control with his addiction and a life of crime. Dustin describes his fatal flaw was not understanding the depth of his addiction, and ultimately what it would take to work his way out of. Finally, after breaking through the cycle of addiction, this is where Dustin’s life truly takes off when he learned there is much more to recovery than just abstaining from substances. In finding his purpose, he has been able to build bridges and close gaps in recovery and reentry through Artists Helping the Homeless. Dustin, we admire your passion and dedication to helping others!