Reentry Reframed
Reentry Reframed focuses on the journeys of individuals who are returning to the community after being incarcerated. Our goal is to reframe the way reentry is perceived while giving hope to those going through this process. We strive to inform society of the obstacles justice-involved individuals face while gathering like minds to systematically develop a solution. This podcast is sponsored by Mirror.
Reentry Reframed
Our Honor, Your Honor: Judge Bough, U.S. District Court
Judge Stephen Bough joins us for a special episode providing perspective from his side of the courtroom. Judge Bough was nominated by President Obama in 2014 to serve as a United States District Judge of the United States Court for the Western District of Missouri. In more recent years, Judge Bough presided over Reentry Court for the Western District of Missouri. Like drug court and other specialty courts, this model serves as an intervention for individuals releasing from prison who are struggling throughout the reentry process. Reentry Court is a collaborative approach to assist in successfully completing the conditions of supervision and providing an alternative opportunity to avoid incarceration. On that note, we discuss the “weight” that comes with sentencing, and Judge Bough does not take his position of authority lightly. As he looks out in the courtroom during a trial and sees family members of the defendant, Judge Bough shares some staggering statistics children with an incarcerated parent face. As we discuss the power of second chances, sentencing reform, and much more, Judge Bough’s passion, compassion, and wisdom radiates throughout his episode. Judge Bough, we are convinced you are the right person for the bench!